Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

The blackbird comes to a decision (Paulo Coelho)

An old blackbird found a piece of bread and flew off with it. When they saw this, the yonger birds pursued him in order to attack.
Confronted by imminent battle, the blackbird dropped the piece of bread into the mouth of a snake, thingkin to himself.

"When you're old, you see things differently. I lost a meal, it's true, but I can always find another piece of bread tomorrow. However, if I had hung on to it, I would have started a war in the skies; the winner would become the object of envy, the others would gang up on him, hatred would fill the hearts of birds and it could all go on for years"

That is the wisdom of old age: knowing how to exchange immediate victories for lasting conquest.

> hope that we can learn wisdom from this short story of an old bird although we're not old yet. Just don't wait till you're too old to be so.

why do people write?

I asked my self this question a lot. Ya, why do we –human- write? Even in our first year of school or kinder garten, we’ve been announced to a thing named, writing. Even though at that time we just wrote some unclear lines, borders, shapes, and alphabets, but we wrote something.  As we grew older, those unclear lines, borders, and shapes become clearer year by year, and at the end we can write everything that is in our mind. This phenomenon really indicates that writing is a highly important activity in human life so that it is taught in human early years of life. So, what makes it that important?

A research in European countries shows that human writing activity can be traced back to year 4 BC. It reports that writing becomes a highly needed method to keep data and information in administrative works. At that time, writing becomes a permanent and trusted method to record the entire administrative task (Robinson, 2003). Based on this history, we can conclude that one of the importances of writing is to keep permanent memories about something. Well. It is unbeatable, because by writing human can keep the memories and information as long as they want to. Although the writer passed away, his/her memories will last because the writing is stand still. But I believe, writing has a lot more significance such as preventing stress; managing goals; sharing ideas; and convincing others.
Generally speaking, writing can help human dealing with their stress. Some people say that writing is healing. It means that to write your problem means lighten your burden. By writing, human can surge their problem and lighten their burden. Sometimes writing can also come with a solution to the problem. By this mean, stress levels can be decreased or vanished.

Writing can also help human in managing their life goals. A lot of motivator and successful people suggest us to write our dreams in order to make them come true. Writing our goals means focusing our brain and mind to those goals and ensures our body to walk in the right path of success.

The third significance of writing is to share ideas. So many brilliant ideas will remain idea if the people can not share their ideas with others. By sharing good idea with others, the writer contributes to the goodness of society.

At the end of this writing, I can say that –yes- writing is certainly important to keep memories; to cure stress; to manage goals; to share ideas; and also to convince others. In addition to the entire factors above, one thing for sure :  to write is to be happy!! :D

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

hi there...

hi there...
this is the new look of my blogs. quite catchy, rite..? :)

this layout express 'the passion' in me so very much. Hope that this new look-new content can contribute a lot to the readers.

happy reading, everyone out there.. :)

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

sendiri, dan koloninya

Sudah berpuluh bahkan beribu kali dua puluh empat jam aku telah  habiskan dengan diriku sendiri, sayang. Sudah selama itu pula aku mulai mengakrabi sepi, menjamu sendiri. Aku telah melumat sekaligus mengakrabinya. Ya, sudah lama. Sudah lama sekali, sayang. Aku sudah mencintai kesendirian seada-adanya ia..

Tak perduli betapa ia kadang menghempas-hempaskan selagi merobek semangatku hingga kuyu, layu, tak bersisa. Di lain waktu ia malah dengan pongah mengagregasinya sedemikian rupa hingga aku tak dapat dihentikan. Ya, itulah dia yang telah aku lumat sekaligus melumatku, yang telah aku akrabi selagi ia akrabiku, yang telah aku cintai seada-adanya ia..

Sekarang, kau bisa lihat, sayang.. Betapa aku sudah menjadi karib dengannya. Sudah terlanjur begitu akrab dengan dia yang dahulu teramat aku benci.

Sayang, kamu tahu? Sebentar lagi ia juga akan meninggalkanku. Seperti semua hal yang sudah terlanjur menjadi tabiat karna biasa.Ia juga akan pergi, sama seperti semua hal lainnya. Pergi, berganti... Sedangkan aku, aku akan belajar lagi, dari awal, untuk mengakrabi, menjamu, mencinta koloninya yang akan segera datang. Mengakrabi, menjamu, dan mencintainya seada-adanya. Seperti dahulu aku mengakrabi kesendirian yang kini telah akan pergi.

bilangan mungkin

Bukan, aku bukan ahli membaca masa depan. Pun bukan manusia berkekuatan magis. Hanya saja, hati yang sudah terpaut terlampau dalam, hingga mampu merasamu. Mungkin detaknya sudah terlalu menyatu, mungkin geombangnya sudah terlanjur sinkron. Atau mungkin, ada kisah telah menunggu untuk ditapaki di jalan bersimpangan ini.

 Ya, memang hanya bilangan mungkin mampu ku utarakan sebagai penawar sebuah tanya yang pernah terlontar. Karna tak siapapun mampu menjawab dengan pasti, maka kali ini aku hanya mampu mengakhirkan dengan koma, bukan titik,