Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

a lovely joyous kind-hearted mother ever...

Yes, its you,,,, its so you, mother. All those adjectives illustrate you.. yet, they’re not special enough to describe how amazing and marvelous you are. You are the best miracle happen to me, and the greatest gift God gave me.. I should thank God for sending me a guardian angel like you. This letter might not reach you or your front door to be read, mother. But still, I need to convey the world how lucky I am, how blessed I am, to have you as my dearest mother…

Yes, it’s you mother that is standing still for me when no one else won’t…yes, it’s you that still put your highest faith on me,,, yes, it’s you that listen every grumble spokes out of my mouth,,yes it’s you that patiently guide me elapse every nuisance I face,, ,yes, it’s you that always serene in facing me and all snag I take along,,, yes, it’s you that still cherish me even though so many times I let you down,, ,yes, it’s you,,It is all you, mother…

you are the one, the only one that treat me this way..
this thoughtful way.. it is you…it is just you..

I love you more than you or anyone could imagine..
hope I can bring you radiance that you always want, one day…

good night mother,,
let my love embrace your slumber cuz,
a new day is waiting for you to be blazed..

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010


Hanya lemah terkulai,,,
Sehabis menelan seonggok pil pahit ,
seharian, sendirian...
Cuma ada hawa panas berlarian di udara yang mengejek,
Menertawai aku yang tersaruk lemah,
Mengatai aku yang tengah terbeliak menahan superpahit racun ini
Angin pun mampir sebentar
Sebentar saja,,,
hanya untuk mengamini perkataan temannya
Kemudian ia menabrak aku yang memang sudah tersaruk-saruk
terperosok, ,aku memandangi lemah botol soda bianglala yang sedari tadi kugenggam
ia mulai berkeringat
memunculkan bintik-bintik kecil uap air di sisi sisinya
pertanda udara panas tadi juga menyerangnya
kuteguk, seteguk saja...
lalu menutup mata dan berusaha menemukan kedamaian di satu tegukan kecil itu
yang ada hanya getir, tidak damai tidak juga lega apalagi bahagia
semua serasa tertinggal entah di mana,
mungkin aku perlu kembali
dan mengumpulkan lagi satu per satu remah yang pernah tersia-sia
mungkin juga aku tak perlu kembali dan biarkan getir ini melumatku
entahlah,,,, aku merasa tak ada satu hal pun yang pasti,
yang dapat kuikuti untuk kembali ke tempat bernama bahagia
aku masih saja di sini..tergugu.
panas yang berkeliaran di udara masih tetap saja mengejek dan mencincang-cincang harga diriku
tanpa mampu membalas, aku hanya diam,
berusaha tak merasakan pil-pil pahit yang dijejalkan ke tenggorokanku
berusaha mengabaikan getir yang terus saja menjejak-jejak

mudah-mudahan mereka
dan semua getir ini tidak nyata, tidak pernah terjadi
hanya delusi si penulis hidupku yang sedang dituangkannya ke dalam beberapa baris kata saja

start it all over again..

yes, this is a new new-beginning..
a new breath breathe to this place, my dais of soliloquy
like every new bud that grows every day,
this soliloquy has right to be (re)born..
so, here it is..

this isn't about proofing anything to anyone
it more like mopping up and settle up the things inside me.
this thing named "finishing something i started", bcoz too many writings i left undone.
i leave them in the near or even half completion.. what a shame.. ;(
well, actually i think that's the temptation for every writer. have a very strong desire to start something but losing enthusiasm to complete them. but off course, it can't and won't justify every act of leaving something undone.. ;)

well,by this new beginning, i'm hoping that i can start doing things to their perfect accomplishment.. ;)

bon lecture !!!
^_^ V